



New home or wanting to upgrade your decor? This blog will give you ideas to help you style your home. I look at some of the home style trends that are prevalent this year.   

I always advocate ‘your home, your style, your choice

Years ago, I remember reading an article in a women’s magazine. It was my mother-in-law’s and I was idling…. The only phrase that stayed with me was ‘Furnish your home with your own traditions.’

Peti Lau of the New York Design Center says: “A home should be a reflection of the people inhabiting the spaces and it should tell a story.” (source: Forbes)

Something I completely relate to.  Beautifully styled show homes are a little asceptic and characterless. They don’t reflect the lives of the people living there.

image of colourful lounge
Photo: Steph Wilson via Unsplash

So my research suggests that minimalism, monochromatic décor is out. It’s being replaced with the opposite. Maximalist, bold colours, patterns and textures. Statement pieces, quirky or dramatic wall art and sculptural shapes are all part of the trend.

Ok, that’s fine, if those moody colours and vibrant patterns are to your taste. And create the sort of vibe you want in your home.

If, like me, you prefer something gentler, kinder and more easy on the spirit (no judgement here… ) there are, of course, many alternatives to suit everyone.

Bring the outside in

Greens of every shade bring  peaceful ambience to a room. And if you are a bit reluctant to splash green on the wall, consider using neutral wall tones with accessories to add that green vibe.  Plants, hanging baskets, throw cushions and throw rugs can all be used to bring you pleasure and that feeling of uplift and ease when you walk into a room.

Image of potted plants
Photo: Katka Pavlickova /Unsplash

Do plants die on you?  I hear you!  Consider faux plants and greenery.  It’s worth paying extra for a beautiful faux arrangement. Maintenance free and lovely for years.  Cheap and cheerful is fine if that’s what you like, but for me quality counts.


This is not just about eco-friendly products.  Some fashionable trends are wildly popular for a time and then fizzle out.  Folk are looking for home décor products that will not feel dated in a year’s time.  Style your home with natural products. Like jute rugs, ceramic and terracota  planters and vases, and upcycled furniture pieces. All added to create your own unique effects.

Coastal grandmother/coastal grandma

Joelle Smith of the Jamaica-based design firm ‘If Walls Could Talk’  says: “Coastal grandmother is about utilizing what you have available to you in the form of heirlooms and mixing it with elements that encourage relaxation and calm. After two years of a pandemic, this is exactly the mood we want to capture. That feeling of being with family in what you consider a safe space.” (source: Martha Stewart)

Image of relaxed lounge setting
Photo: Minh Pham / Unsplash

Comfy, light filled rooms, neutral tones blended with blues and white. We’re not talking fuddy-duddy or Joan Hickson’s Miss Marple.  Think modern chic, elegant, understated. But with those welcoming, comforting touches. Like bowls of fresh fruit, herbs on the windowsill, comfy sofas, handmade ceramics.  Do you love, but don’t have time, to arrange and maintain fresh flowers? Top quality silk flowers will be the answer.  Invest in seasonal arrangements to bring different ambience to the room.  Pops of colour will brighten a neglected corner. And of course, you can have your favourite blooms irrespective of the season.

What will your choice be? 

By the way …

Did you know you can buy stunning faux flowers and arrangements from me? Plus you can have your own custom order, with your choice of colours and flowers.

Click HERE to view the shop.

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