



Biophilitic design adds harmony to your home, simply, by incorporating nature into your decor.  It means, essentially, love of life, love of nature.  In looking into this, it seems to me to have lots in common with feng shui.

According to, in the home ‘it creates a better living and working environment; increases productivity; creates a happier environment.’ And, of course, with working from home so prevalent now, it becomes more important.

‘It’s undeniable that working or living somewhere with nature is better than the typical working environment. It’s important for individuals to feel comfortable where they are.’ (source: – Alice Molloy Interiors)

Obvious stuff like having the right height desk and supportive chair to avoid RSI and back issues, can all be sorted with careful (and common sense) assessment of your particular needs. Incorporating elements of nature into your environment, using biophilitic design, seems to be equally thoughtful and deliberate.

Feng shui elements are air, wood, metal, earth, water and fire. So how does biophilitic design correspond?

Natural light and air are both integral to our sense of wellbeing and how our circadian rhythms work.  In your home, allowing fresh air to flow and keeping windows bright and clear of clutter can help to energise the space and atmosphere – especially as the seasons change and daylight becomes stronger and longer. Of course, with rising summer temperatures this might not always be practical. But there are times when the air is cool and fresh, like at the start of the day.  It’s one of my favourite times, as I watch the sun rise, turning the sky to gold.  And at night when the heat has started to dissipate, sitting and eating outside as the sun sets is mysterious and magical.

Image of water splash over rocks and wood

‘Being around water has many benefits for us.  Listening and looking at water has a calming effect on our minds’ (

I googled water features for the home and, unsurprisingly, loads came up.  There are indoor table top water features of all sorts of styles and sizes.  Create your own zen space in your conservatory, both room or living room.  Wherever you want to be able to relax and recharge.

‘The sound of running water has a white noise effect in enclosed spaces. If you live in a noisy area or struggle to relax then adding a water feature to your home could be a good solution.’ (  Plus, according to Feng shui principles, place your water feature in the north area of your house to bring positive energy and good luck.

And where a water feature is impractical, mirrors can also add light and reflection.  Place them in darker areas, or make a feature wall of different mirrors. The only limit is the size and shape of the wall space – and your imagination.

Think of using wood, cotton, wool, ceramics (feng shui elements of earth and fire) and woven willow and grasses for your home accessories and furniture.

home style with potted plants
Photo: Katka Pavlickova /Unsplash

Living indoor plants sounds like a no-brainer.  But keeping them doesn’t work for everyone.  For me they peter out from too much love or neglect! The answer lies in ceramic art, seashells, dried and preserved foliage (like preserved eucalyptus which smells like a warm meadow!), artificial plants and silk floral arrangements. Wall prints, wall hangings, paintings, whether or not they are abstract, can bring the sense of natural elements into the home.

As we all know, colours create different responses in ourselves, at an emotional level.

The colours you use in your home is very much a personal choice. Don’t be swayed by the ‘oughts’ and ‘shoulds’.  This is your home, and whatever colours you choose must create the right sort of ambience for you. Each room can be different. Such as bolder colours in ‘working’ rooms where they will add energy and positivity.  Softer neutral colours can work with bedrooms and bathrooms where you’re looking for calm and relaxation.

I think the main point is not to over think things! Home décor can, in my view, be quite organic. Dealing with one room at a time can take all the pressure off wanting to get it right and fit the trend. Let your instincts guide you as you fall in love with your home over and over again.

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