



Looking for some easy festive table décor ideas? I’ve been browsing articles and have found some beauties – with some of my own in the mix. Easy to create and easy on the budget too. First step is to think about the effect you want to create. Lush and natural? Or simple and cheerful?

Setting your table crockery and cutlery

I’m not going to tell you how to set a table!  But if you’re thinking that you don’t have enough matching plates for your guests (I’m a fan of symmetry and consistency so I hear ya’!) …

Here’s an idea …

Mixed vintage plates on two shelves

Think outside the box by making mismatched plates the feature of your table setting (feel uncomfortable? Read on!)

You can create a lovely – and cute – cottage core effect with completely unmatched plates – like those pretty ones that Grandma used to have and that are lurking at the back of a cupboard somewhere.  A trip to your local charity shop might be worthwhile too – you never know what you might find!

The decorating

The trends for easy festive table décor this year are about colour and Nature. And you can have both.

Foraged bits – like bracken and ivy vines, pine cones, rose hips and red berries.  They are simply lovely. (Always make sure there are no regulations against foraging where you are as it can cause unnecessary trouble)

Cut branches – Eucalyptus, pine and spruce – the smell will be amazing!  Check out your local suppliers of Christmas trees – they may also offer bags of cut greenery. Arrange these like a natural table runner down the centre of your table, or create individual bunches for each place.

Red berries for easy festive table decor

Fruits of the season can add a pop of colour. Like apples, oranges, pomegranates, and quirky little squashes (the edible ones that can be made into soup later.  I hate waste!) Add a jug of mulled red wine with slices of roasted oranges. (Mmmm yum)

Living plants – whaaa?  Yes!  Place a trug of sprouting bulbs, moss and interesting bits of twigs with lichen in the centre.  You can add a couple of little shiny baubles to add to the festive vibe or leave it looking natural. After dinner, simply move your trug to the side to enjoy as the bulbs grow and flower.  Genius!

Image of woman's hands planting bulbs in a basket

Candles placed on a table make easy festive table decor


Can’t beat candles in a festive table arrangement.  Dinky tealights, pillar candles or taper candles (coloured or ivory? Whatever you fancy!) – they all add that extra bit of magic.

Faux succulents and greenery

Plenty around to choose from for a cute look.  Add fairy lights or tea lights for a pretty effect.  Later, either store them until next year or find a spot for them to brighten up a space – bathroom, kitchen, bedside …. Wherever works for you.

Tray of faux greenery

 The finishing touch

Fairy lights are simple and hard to beat! Magical, however you use them. A single string of warm fairy lights can be as effective for festive table decor as a more lush arrangement.

Advent wreath with faux greenery and fairy lights, with a pillar candle in the middle

However you celebrate this time of year, I wish you happiness and love.

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